Thursday, 24 January 2013

10 Signs Someone is Interested in You

1. They laugh at your jokes even when they aren’t that funny. If they don’t laugh at your jokes, they probably find you lame or they are holding back.

2. They defend you. They stand up for you. Even though both genders will resort to standing up for you verbally if possible. For guys, they may be more likely to fight someone if necessary. For girls they may not be physical for you but they will try to sabotage the other individual or do something in the background for you.

3. You can sort of sense that they are a little awkward around you. When they talk to you, they might stutter, appear anxious or seemed a little strange. For example, they might ask you weird questions. You can feel that something is not natural, but you can tell that it is affectionate.

4. They will ask you out to do something. This is a huge indicator because when we like someone we want to spend more time with them getting to know them.

5. They will try to be where you are most often. They find you physically appealing and being around you makes them feel fulfilled. For example, they might enroll in the same classes as you or go to a place they know you go to.

6. They compliment you. They might notice that you put on make up or dress differently and compliment you for it or they might noticed that you do well in something and they cheer you on for it.

7. They are supportive of you and they talk to you a lot and try to listen and be encouraging.

8. They notice and remember things about you. For example, they might pay attention to what you were wearing or what you said even if you yourself may not find importance in that.

9. They try hard. It may become obvious that they are dressing to look better or get your attention.

10. They get you a gift or something or use cheesy pick up lines.
 Credited to: Life Quotes 

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

10 reasons why YOU CAN achieve your dreams:

Instead of realizing their dreams, too many people never get started, too busy, instead listing all the reasons why they cannot achieve their dreams.
Things like:
  1. I do not have enough money.
  2. I’m not talented.
  3. I do not have enough knowledge.
  4. I do not have enough experience.
  5. I have failed many times in the past.
  6. I’m not lucky.
  7. Who I am to dream of making such an impact.
  8. …and so on.
They defeat themselves before they even get started!
This is not what you deserve.

So, here are 10 reasons why YOU CAN achieve your dreams:

1. You can because it’s feels great!
“To be able to get out of bed and do what you love for the rest of the day is beyond words.”  John Schroeder
Your dream exists to turn your life into a masterpiece of joy and contribution. Doing what you love and living your life on your own terms are the best things you can do for yourself.

2. You can because it’s YOUR dream
Writer Richard Bach says, “You’re never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.
The dream that is born inside your heart will never exist, if you do not have the power to make it come true. That’s a timeless truth.
Since you have thought about it, then you have an innate ability to achieve it.
It’s so unique that only you can make it true.

3. You can because it shapes your future
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
The world’s movers and shakers are those who believed in their dreams and persevered until they manifested what they have dreamt about.
Envision your dream and see by your heart’s eyes how it can change the world and have a huge impact on so many lives.

4. You can because you can land on the clouds
“I’m a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds.”  -Mike Tyson
When you work on your dreams, you will create your best life possible. Even if you cannot reach the stars, you will at least land on the clouds.

5. You can because you are hungry
If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” -Les Brown
Nothing will feed your hunger for making a difference more than pursuing your dream.
It will add meaning to your life and make your efforts worthwhile. It will make you wake up every morning with exhilaration and enthusiasm.
As Les Brown says, “You gotta be HUNGRY”

6. You can because you don’t want to die again
When you cease to dream you cease to live.” -Malcolm Forbes
If you ignore the love and light in your heart, your soul will die of starvation.
Too many people are living, but very few are actually ALIVE!
Following a dream is the only way to start living. When you dream, you become alive. And I do not think you want to ignore your dream and die again.

7. You can because you are a pioneer
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” -Oscar Wilde
You will face criticism, not because you are wrong, but because you are a pioneer.
People are not used to see dreamers who have crazy ideas to make the world a better place.
Most people are so stuck in the rut that they do not believe someone can get out, spread his/her wings and fly high in the sky.

8. You can because you deserve it
Dreams are the touchstones of our character.” -Henry David Thoreau
You deserve to have a big dream and to become remarkable. If you do not leave your mark in the world, no one will remember you.
Living small makes you small and you are born to be great. You have a dream because you have a strong character that strives to live big and be big.

9. You can because there is a problem that only you can solve
Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions.” -Edgar Cayce
You dream because you have a burning desire to solve a problem or fulfill a need that would make the world a better place.
You are our answer to our most difficult questions. You owe it to us and to the world.

10. You can because you’ve got the courage
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney
All what your dream needs is courage that will nurture it and make it grow beyond all limitations. And you have this courage within you.
If you’re passionate about it, unleash it. No matter what you think or what other people think, YOU CAN...

" Kejayaan bermula dengan sebuah impian, kemudian impian berkembang kepada suatu tindakan yang    khusus untuk sebagai cara untuk mencapai impian itu. Impian memotivasikan individu untuk berusaha untuk mencapai impinannya. Impian, sangat sukar diungkapkan dan diterjemahkan melalui kata-kata, hanya individu yang mengimpikan sesuatuyang faham akan mimpinya. Impian kadangkala tidak logik dan sukar dicapai, tetepi melalui kerja keras, pengorbanan, kesabaran, tidak mudah putus asa dan sebagainya yang mampu mencapai impiannya dan melalui pertolongan Tuhan."

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. ~Harriet Tubman~

 Credited to:  Mohamad Tohami,

Thursday, 10 January 2013

:: TUHAU ::


Tuhau. Nama yang cukup pelik, aneh dan asing bagi sesetengah orang yang tidak mengenali tumbuhan ini. Tuhan merupakan sejenis tumbuhan yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai ulam yang tumbuh meliar di hutan hujan di Kepulauan Borneo. Namun, permintaan terhadap tuhau kini yang semakin meningkat terutamanya dalam kalangan penduduk tempatan menyebabkan ramai yang mengambil alternatif untuk menanamnya.

                   Pokok Tuhau
                            (Credited to: http://princesseryna.blogspot com)
Tuhau atau E. coccinea merupakan panggilan yang popular dalam kalangan masyarakat Kadazandusun dan Murut di Sabah. Tuhan termasuk dalam genus Etlingera(Zingiberaceae) dalam istilah saintifik. Selain itu, tuhau atau juga termasuk dalam keluarga halia. Menurut Axel Dalberg Poulsen (research fellow 2002-03), tuhau juga digunakan dalam masyarakat Kelabit dan Iban di Sarawak. E. coccinea dalam masyarakat Kelabit dipanggil sebagai 'ubu nanung' manakala masyarakat Iban memenggilnya sebagai 'tepus'. 

Tuhau (Credited to:

Umbut tuhau boleh dimakan mentah iaitu sebagai ulam dimakan bersama nasi. Tuhau boleh dijadikan sebagai sambal dengan menghancurnya kemudian dicampur dengan cili padi, garam, cuka/limau dan sebagainya. Selain itu, tuhau juga boleh dimasak bersama ikan masin atau 'salted fish', lada putih (panggilan masyarakat di Sabah) dan sebagainya berdasarkan kepada citra rasa masing. Tuhau dikatakan mempunyai khasiat yang tersendiri iaitu dapat mencuci darah yang kotor, mengurangkan tekanan darah tinggi dan selain daripada itu kandungan seratnya yang sangat tinggi menjadikan tuhau baik untuk kesihatan. Ada juga yang menyatakan bahawa sekiranya seseorang tersesat di hutan, ia tidak akan mati kebuluran dengan memakan tuhau.

Sambal Tuhau, credited to:

  • Mempunyai bau yang kuat seperti sejenis serangga (kesing) atau seperti bau ketumbar Jawa (cilantro). Terdapat sesetengah yang tidak memakan kerana alasan ini.
  • Mempunyai bunga yang berwarna merah terang.
  • Membiak melalui pecahan rizom atau biji benih.
  • Tumbuh secara meliar.
  • Umbut berwarna putih/kekuningan pudar/ kemerah-merahan/ 'pink'. 
    Jika masyarakat lain di Malaysia berbangga dengan makanan tradisional mereka, mengapa tidak saya. Ianya unik dan tidak akan dijumpai di tempat lain. Kesedaran akan kepentingan untuk memelihara dan menjaga makanan tradisional daripada pupus pada hari ini membolehkan makanan tersebut boleh dikomersialkan dan diketengahkan pada masa akan datang. Saya juga berpendapat bahawa makanan tradisional juga mampu menjadi latar belakang, identiti dan pengenalan sesuatu bangsa dan kaum.  Misalnya, jika kita menyebut tentang Bak Ku Teh, ramai yang akan tahu itu merupakan makanan yang menjadi pengenalan kaum Cina, Kaum India dengan Capati dan Pizza sinonim dengan Itali. Tidak mustahil jika masa akan datang ianya akan menjadi identiti Kaum Kadazandusun.

    Wednesday, 2 January 2013

    2013 dan Tahun Ular ( 巳)

    Tahun Kuda, Kambing, Monyet, Ayam, Anjing, Khinzir, Tikus, Lembu, Harimau, Arnab, dan  Tahun Naga sudah ditinggalkan. Kini, tahun Ular kembali lagi merujuk kepada Kalender Cina. Berdasarkan kepada kepercayaan Kaum Cina,  zodiak dua belas melambangkan dua belas jenis personaliti yang berbeza. 
    •    Tahun  Ular ( 巳) 10 Feb 2013 - 30 Jan 2014
    •    Unsur tetap: Api
    •    Yin/Yang    : Yin 
    • Sifat positif    : Berfikir panjang, mistik, bijaksana, lemah lembut, sensual, kreatif, cermat pintar, bercita, berbudi bahasa, waspada, bertanggungjawab, tenteram, kuat, setia dan tekad.
    • Sifat Negatif     : Penyendiri, komunikasi teru, cemburu, hedonis, tidak yakin kepada diri sendiri@ragu diri, pendusta dan sentiasa menaruh kesangsian kepada diri sendiri. 

    I am not Chinese but I am apart of them. Why? I am live in Malaysia and I am Malaysian. What the meaning of  "1 Malaysia" if we are not share the cultures and the belief of our friends and our neighbor? Saya berpendapat bahawa, apa yang jiran kita ada, rakan kita ada perlu dikongsikan dan perlu difahami, sebab dan kenapa mereka mengamalkan sesuatu. Mengetahui dan memahami bukan bermakna bahawa kita membelakangkan kebudayaan atau kepercayaan kita sendiri tetapi sebagai rasa hormat antara sesama. Pegangan dan kepercayaan sendiri tetap menjadi keutamaan. Perkara paling penting dalam hal tersebut ialah keterbukaan dan kerendahan hati. (Openness and humility)

    Nilai-nilai murni yang sesuai mungkin kita boleh aplikasikan dalam kehidupan seharian, misalnya. Aplikasi bukan bermakna, mengaplikasikan atau mengasimilasikan secara sembarangan tetapi bersesuaian dengan kebudayaan dan kepercayaan serta pegangan kita. Harapanku untuk negaraku Malaysia, semoga keharmonian, perpaduan, keamanan, dan kemakmuran akan tetap dipelihara dan dijaga senantiasa. Walaupun, banyak isu-isu sensitif yang timbul dan agenda yang merupahan sebahagian daripada propoganda pihak-pihak tertentu yang individualistik bagi mencapai impian dan cita serta impian darsawarsa tetapi keyakinanku tetap ada sebab "DIA" menyayangi Malaysia. Semoga para pemimpin Malaysia mempunyai kerendahan diri, kesabaran dan takut akan Tuhan sepanjang tahun ini dan seterusnya.

    Belum terlambat lagi untuk mengucapkan Happy New Year 2013, semoga impian, cita-cita dan impian yang kita impikan akan menjadi kenyataan bahkan menjadi kepunyaan dan milik kita...

    ::: Agi idup agi ngelaban & Kagaraso, koinsiribaaon om karalamo do ginawo om pomusarahan mogowi do kosimbayanan dati tikid tadau !!!:::