Tuesday 27 December 2016

:: Christmas 2016 ::

Feliz Navidad!! I just want to write a little.. 

Balik kampung and gather with our families in Ranau. One day earlier, I went to Tuaran to attend our cousin of Tambunan engagement. 

It quite nice but I have to come back to Penampang and replace my Proton tyre and balik Ranau. And, my research supervisor ask me to ikut balik kampung. Such a warmest treat because I will not drive alone. lol

"Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling." (Edna Ferber)

Christmas is like Hari Raya. Time to meet and see whole of my family. Last 2 years (2011-2012), I was in Kedah. No Christmas because we have an exam for the next day. 25th December fully utilized as revision day. Last day, I only given 1 day for leave. Betul-betul tu company mau untung saja. So, sambut Christmas di rumah saja. Laughing alone in front of my laptop. 

And this is our selfih with my cousin. She is gained her weight. Bikin jelos ni. Saya yang berabis jogging mau tagap gain weight bagai masih kurus. Cinggg...

Proudly to say, our family is mixed. Mix means we had a lot of Moslem family members. Yeah, we had no problem on that. Kami sambut Krismas diorang datang. Diorang Hari Raya kami pun datang. Siap kasi bawa kuih balik lagi. Ko inda bangga ka macam itu.I love them not because they are cousins/ aunties/ uncles, but I love them because they are apart of my live. 

Next year will be the busier for me. Being employed and the same time; take a commitment as student. Lot of thing have to be sacrificed. But, at the moment you told yourself that you want to challenge yourself and you ready step in to 'no enjoyment moment or make it less", there a biggest possibilities for you to win. Dari kita saja baitu,, ka dii sio.. Immanuel!!

"When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only result." (Kenneth Blanchard)

Happy New Year 2017..
